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What Actually Happens To Your Hair As You Get Older

Half of women experience hair loss by the time they hit the 50, according to the North American Hair Research Society. "There are three stages that hair goes through—a growth phase, a transition phase, and a resting phase," explains Shani Francis, MD, a dermatologist who specializes in hair disorders at the University of Chicago. As you get older, your hair spends more time in the last cycle, which means you're shedding hair faster than it's growing back in. Unlike male hair loss, which usually starts as a receding hairline and thinning crown, female hair loss occurs as a gradual thinning all over your scalp. "You may not even notice it coming out in the shower or in your brush—it's just that over time more of your scalp becomes visible," notes Debra Jaliman, MD, a dermatologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

First line treatment is over-the-counter minoxidil (aka Rogaine), which stimulates hair regrowth. (Here are 3 signs you'll lose your hair.) Another treatment is the drug spironolactone, which helps stem hair loss by slowing down androgen production. The prescription drug Propecia is also an option. but since it's been linked to birth defects, most docs won't prescribe it unless you've already gone through menopause or are completely done having kids and are using super reliable birth control. There are also hair transplants, but most women aren't good candidates for them since you need donor hair from the sides and back of your scalp, where, unlike men, women's hair is thin and "unstable."

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False: Popping a biotin supplement helps prevent hair loss.Biotin pills will not increase the number of hairs on your head, but it will actually make your existing hair thicker, which gives the illusion of more hair, according to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. "It helps build up fatty acids and protein in the hair shaft to make hair thicker and stronger," explains Jaliman, who recommends 2.5 mg daily. Another hair-helper to increase in your diet: fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, substances shown to give hair more shine, thickness and luster, Francis says. (If you don't like fish, get the omegas you need from plant-based sources such as flaxseed or walnuts.) 

True: Lasers can help with hair regrowth.Many hair clinics offer laser therapy to stimulate hair regrowth, which works, but costs several thousand dollars, Francis says. Relatively new on the market are lasers you can use at home, such as the HairMax LaserComb—or the newer HairMax LaserBand. "It pushes hair out of its resting phase into its growing phase," Francis explains. Company funded data shows over 90% of users experience moderate hair regrowth. If you can't spare the $300 to $500 for a high-tech hair toy, you can always camouflage more visible scalp areas with a cream or powder that darkens it to match your hair, such as Couvre. But resist the urge to try partial hair additions, like weaves. One Cleveland Clinic study found that almost 60% of women who use them end up with scalp scarring that causes irreversible hair loss.

False: It's normal to develop a lot more body hair as you get older.

You don't tend to see furry arms and legs in middle age and beyond, but the same hormonal changes that cause hair to thin on your head can also cause hair to sprout up on your face, leaving you with whiskers and an oh-so-frustrating mustache, says Jaliman. While it's normal to see a chin hair now and then and a slightly thicker coating of peach fuzz, check with your primary care physician or a dermatologist about a significant increase in facial hair, since it could be triggered by a medical problem, such as a thyroid disorder, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), anemia, or an autoimmune disease such as lupus, all of which are more likely to crop up or worsen with age.

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True: Worrying can turn your hair white.One theory is that the stress hormone adrenaline actually damages melanocytes, the hair cells that produce melanin, which is the pigment that gives your hair its color. "Stress won't cause your hair to change color when you're younger, but it can speed up the graying or whitening process that starts naturally in your 30s or 40s," Francis explains. We also know that going through a major crisis can trigger alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation that turns the melanocytes off," she adds. As a result, you could notice patches of white or gray develop among your regularly colored hair. (Here are 4 ways to go gray gorgeously.)

False: If you pluck out a gray hair, two more will grow back in its place.Go ahead and pluck all you want; it won't make the grays grow back in any faster. "This is really an old wives tale—women would pluck a gray hair then notice more coming in, and assume there was a correlation when that's really not the case," says Jaliman. (Here's what really happens when you pull out a gray hair.) It's fine to pluck an occasional gray chin or eyebrow hair, but beware of waging war on your tresses—too much plucking can weaken hair, making it more susceptible to split ends and breakage, warns Jaliman. Bring out the Lady Clairol instead.

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True: Putting olive oil on your hair will make it look and feel younger.

You don't need pricy products to combat aging—simply slathering your strands in a light coat of olive oil and sleeping in it overnight (don a thin shower cap to avoid slicking up your pillow) can leave locks looking lush after your PM shampoo. "It helps retain moisture and replace the oil you naturally lose with age," explains Rebecca Kazin, MD, a dermatologist in Chevy Chase, MD. "As a result, it can improve texture and strength and reduce breakage." Derms also recommend sticking to sulfate-free shampoos, which tend to be less drying. (Also give this DIY moisturizing hair mask a try.) Francis likes L'Oreal Total Hair Repair, which contains ceramides, a type of fatty acid that coats the hair strand, strengthening it and sealing in moisture. You can also try the Viviscal line of products,  which contains cleansers with hair strengthening ingredients such as keratin and biotin.

Source: What Actually Happens To Your Hair As You Get Older


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