After you have a baby, there's hardly time for yourself. Showers are few and far between, meals are generally eaten while standing in the kitchen, and fixing your hair is out of the question. But while your hair is probably the last thing on your mind, it is part of an issue that not enough people talk about: postpartum hair loss. Dr. Heather Hawthorne, MD and board-certified family physician at Doctor On Demand, spoke to POPSUGAR about postpartum hair loss, which affects a lot more women than most people realise. What Is Postpartum Hair Loss? During pregnancy, a lot of women may start to feel like Rapunzel due to their hair growing so fast and strong that you feel it could hoist a handsome prince up a tower (wouldn't that be great?). "Many women notice longer, more voluminous hair during pregnancy thanks to pregnancy hormone spikes trapping hair in the growth (anagen) phase of the hair cycle," Dr. Hawthorne explained. "But drastic postpartum hormone shi